150 mm Pump 150 mm Pump Pump Location/Number *For Data Identification of the PumpHose Finish (Outer) *Type of HoseRectifiedWrappedCompression AdjustmentShim Adjustment"A" Dimension AdjustmentHose Wall Thickness (mm) *This is Important!Measured Dimension "A" (mm) *Space between the Shoe/Roller and Pump House! With all shims removed!Temperature CheckTemp Greater than 60 °CViscosity CheckViscosity Greater than 3000 cPShim Thickness (mm)Use only same size shims!Liters per TurnMinimum Flowrate Liter/HourMaximum Flowrate Liter/HourMinimum RPMPressure (kPa) - ΔP - MinimumΔP = Discharge pressure−Suction pressureRequired Shims (mm)Always Round Up!Calculated "A" Dimension (mm)Always Round Down!Maximum RPMPressure (kPa) - ΔP - MaximumΔP = Discharge pressure−Suction pressureRequired Shims (mm)Always Round Up!Calculated "A" Dimension (mm)Always Round Down!Required Shims (mm)Required Shims (mm)Final "A" Adjustment (mm)Always use the smallest number - to avoid backflow!Final Shim Adjustment (mm)Always use the largest number - to avoid backflow!Final Shims (each pressing point)Hose Installation Date *Email Address *Enter your email for your own recordsPump & Hose "Pictures / Data"Choose FilesDocumentation for Troubleshooting & Records!Submit for Analysis and RecordsSave and share Data!Copy of record sent RCME SL and to the email provided!Submit Data by Email